It seems that GMOs are getting a lot of press these days whether it be due to their effect on our health or due to their link to big corporations, regardless of all the press, many individuals still aren’t sure what are GMOs. GMOs are either plants or animals that have been genetically engineered in…
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Healthy For The Holidays
With the holidays just around the corner it seems that we somehow automatically mentally prepare ourselves to overindulge in everyway, whether it be eating, drinking, partying, etc. The problem is that by the end of the holidays (if not even during) we end up feeling unhealthy, tired, and nearly sick to our stomachs. Let’s change…
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Tips to Protect Your Brain and Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
In order to truly prevent Alzheimer’s disease you really need to start looking at strategies that will promote overall brain health. Without proper brain function you can not prevent any neurological disease including Alzheimer’s disease. The best part of focusing on brain health for prevention is that many of these strategies are extremely simple, you…
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Are You Taking The Measures Necessary To Avoid Canada’s Second Leading Cause Of Death?
Did you know that every 7 minutes a Canadian dies of heart disease? Did you also know that 90% of Canadians have at least one risk factor for heart disease (smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes)? Considering that heart disease is the second leading cause in Canada (only to…
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