TCM truly demonstrates how healing is multidimensional as it incorporates body, mind, spirit, and emotions as components necessary to heal in order to obtain optimal health. All of these aspects are connected by energy (Qi) and thus through the use of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and food, our Qi can become balanced and true health obtained.
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Botanical Medicine
The use of plants for medicinal purposes goes back thousands of years and continues to remain an effective method of healing. Many countries still only use botanical medicine as their main therapeutic option.
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Developed in the 18th century by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy follows the old principle of “like cures like” first described by Hippocrates. This principle states that a substance given to someone healthy will produce a set of signs and symptoms that could be relieved if that same substance is given in minute amounts to someone…
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Lifestyle Counselling
Often times we don’t realise how big of an impact our daily habits have on our health. The reason being is that we often don’t see the consequences of such habits until later in life when chronic disease has already set in. Whether it be related to stress reduction, sleep, healthy eating, exercise, hydration, or…
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