Having difficulty sleeping at night? Can’t fall asleep or can’t stay asleep? One of the core necessities for a healthy life is to get adequate amounts of sleep. Without proper sleep we often have difficulty getting through our day as it hinders our ability to focus, our ability to lose weight, and our ability to…
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Allergy-Addiction Syndrome: How The Foods That You Crave Are The Ones That Hurt You The Most
Did you know that a good majority of individuals have food sensitivities and don’t even realise it? Did you know that in many cases these very foods are the foods that people eat the most often? While not all allergic foods cause an “addiction”, most food addictions are due to food sensitivities. Have you ever…
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Seasonal Affective Disorder – How To Overcome The “Winter Blues”
As winter approaches, we seem to be plagued by two new realities – the days get colder and they get shorter. Dealing with the cold is relatively easy, add more layers of clothing, curl up in a blanket, take a warm bath, etc. However, dealing with the days getting shorter can be more problematic. For…
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How To Survive The Cold and Flu Season
As the temperature drops and we say goodbye to summer, we start to prepare for a long cold season, not just temperature wise, but in terms of illness. While getting the occasional cold and flu is not abnormal, it does put a damper on our day to day. In this article I’ll discuss a few…
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