Chronic Disease Management

Chronic disease such as insidious infectious disease, neurological disorders, and autoimmune disease, among many others, are probably some of the most complicated conditions to treat due to their complexity.  When being affronted by such a condition, not only is it necessary to eliminate the underlying factor(s) contributing to the current illness, but also modulate the immune system to be more effective, all while aiding with symptomatic relief.  Without a multi-step approach, these types of disease can easily perpetuate for years without any sign of improvement.

Often time individuals suffering from chronic disease require more advanced therapies (such as intravenous therapies) in order to make a shift in their condition.  The use of these therapies allow for faster results all while still promoting a healthy diet, lifestyle, and providing supplemental support.  These advanced therapies and the overall treatment program can easily be modified in order to compensate for those individuals also utilizing conventional therapies.  In addition, support can be provided for those requiring aid in overcoming some of the side effects which are known to occur with some of the more potent conventional therapies.

Regardless of the type of chronic disease that an individual may be suffering, the other types of therapies that they may be undergoing, a customizable comprehensive treatment plan can be achieved to aid the patient in their healing journey.

Cardiovascular Disease and Toxic Metals

Numerous studies have been performed delineating the benefit of chelation in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Understanding the mechanism whereby these conditions can occur is important in order to understand the benefit of a therapy like chelation. A number of cardiovascular issues are due to atherosclerosis (which you may not realise starts in childhood). Toxic metals are known to cause damage to the vascular wall, thus triggering an immune cascade which eventually leads to calcification of the vessels in the body’s attempt at protecting itself from damage. This, of course, is well known to increase blood pressure, increase risk of heart attacks, etc. Chelation works by removing the toxic metals and the calcifications from the body in order to increase healthy vascular flow throughout the entire body thus leading to decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Utilising chelation in addition to other supportive factors can lead to a significant improvement in cardiovascular health.

Autoimmune Disease and Gut Health

Eighty percent of your immune system is located in your gastrointestinal tract, thus it’s no wonder that when treating autoimmune disease that one of the first places to start is looking at gut health. Understanding what triggered the overactive immune system to attack its own body is key to treating and managing autoimmune disease. Utilising tests that look at potential underlying gastrointestinal infections which could be causing molecular mimicry thus tricking your body into thinking it’s seeing an infection all over in your body when in reality it’s attacking your body may be one of the underlying causes of autoimmune disease. Additionally, consuming foods that are inflammatory to your body could be causing damage to your gut lining thereby creating a gateway for antibody-antigen complexes to exit your gut and travel to other areas of your body and deposit themselves in those areas thus causing damage there, leading to multiple organ involvement. In addition, environmental toxins could be an additional trigger to autoimmune disease by causing system wide damage, especially if the body is incapable of proper removal and elimination of these toxins thus causing a build-up in the tissues further perpetuating the disease. There are often multiple factors at play when dealing with autoimmune disease, but starting with treating the gut (aka the hub of your immune system) is necessary for a successful outcome.

Infectious Disease and The Terrain

When treating infectious diseases, there are numerous treatment options available in order to help eradicate the underlying organism (one such example is utilising high dose intravenous vitamin C). However, removing the offending infectious agent is only part of a complete program. The other, often forgotten, component is promoting a healthy terrain – aka a health body. A healthy terrain is necessary in order to provide an environment that is inhospitable to infectious organisms. By modifying your terrain to optimise it’s function and health you can significantly decrease your infection potential thus helping in the prevention of future infections. Thus supporting a healthy terrain (based on past and current medical history, lifestyle, genetics, and environment) and eradicating the current infectious offender provides a complete program in treating in and preventing infectious disease.

IBS, Dysbiosis, and Food Sensitvities

There is an ever increasing amount in gastrointestinal disease ranging from ulcerative colitis to IBS to heartburn and everything in between. IBS is particularly interesting because it is an umbrella term that could encompass different underlying causes. In a number of IBS patients the true cause is often either food sensitivities (causing inflammation and damage to the gut thus causing a host of symptoms) and/or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). In the case of SIBO, there is an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria (causing dysbiosis) in the small intestine rather than the large intestine (where they should be located). Both of these underlying causes can present themselves through a host of symptoms presented under the IBS umbrella. Luckily both food sensitivities and SIBO can easily be tested, one via blood and the other through a specialized breath test (not the H. pylori breath test). Regardless of the underlying cause of IBS or other gastrointestinal conditions, it is very important to investigate the possibilities thoroughly in order to properly treat the underlying issue otherwise the damage to the gastrointestinal tract and thus symptoms associated to that damage will continue.